Tag Archives: Heal

“The Bed I Made” Author Robert Lynch on Healing from PTSD

“The Bed I Made” Author Mr. Robert Lynch on his Father the U.S. Marine Korean War Hero and Healing from PTSD like we’ve never heard it before. This show is a salute to our veterans, the price they pay, their self sacrifice, and the silent sacrifices their families make everyday.

Radio Music Mix

Maximum Health “Quality Living” Radio Music Mix Hosted by Dr Ken Grey Holistic Physician, Music and Commentary from Past Shows

Listen to MAXIMUM HEALTH, “Quality Living” Radio
with Dr. Ken Grey AP, DOM Holistic Physician
88.9 fm WQCS – NPR every Friday @7 pm
National Public Radio

Saving our Turtles turns into Saving our Oceans – Jack Lighton CEO of Loggerhead Marine Life Center

Jack Lighton CEO of Loggerhead Marine Life Center on how Saving our Turtles turns into Saving our Oceans.

The Volo Foundation: Data-Driven Global Warming and Sea-Level Rising Research

A look at Data-Driven Global Warming and Sea-Level Rising Research with The Volo Foundation Co-Founder Thais Lopez Vogel. Thais Lopez Vogel joins Maximum Health Radio to discuss and share current Data- Driven Research to dispel doubt and help guide us to Global Warming and Sea Level Rising Solutions.

Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis with Marilyn Murray Willison

Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis with Marilyn Murray Willison a six-time Award Winning Author, Former Health & Fitness Editor for the LA Times & International Journalist

The Cellular Powerhouse Show! Hack Your System with Mitochondrial Biogenesis

The Cellular Powerhouse Show! How to Hack your system with Mitochondrial Biogenesis for a longer health enhanced life. Technology, Diet, Lifestyle and Bimolecular understanding come together for a wonderfully energized show. Guests include Dr. Suresh Raja and Robert Marking – Wellness specialist.

Eastern Vibration Sound Therapy and Healing Singing Bowls with Jahmaal Hays

Eastern Vibration Sound Therapy and Healing Singing Bowls. International Sound Therapist Jahmaal Hays and Dr Ken Grey Holistic Physician on how ancient instruments tuned to the Universe can Massage every Cell in our Body restoring balance and offering healing for many ailments, mentally, physically and spiritually.

The Beekman 1802 Love the World as their Neighbor and Earth as their Mother

The Beekman 1802 Farm Boys of New York are loving the world as their neighbor and the Earth as their mother. As owners of one of the fastest growing lifestyle brands in the country (source: Nasdaq) Josh Purcell and Brent Ridge have given new meaning to Whole Living. They include their neighbors as artisans and honor the goats on their farm as family members. As Beekman 1802 grows, everyone of their neighbors benefit. Increasingly known for goat milk based soaps, beauty products and fine foods, Beekman 1802 is showing us a whole new old way of doing things. Lots of Love, No Greed!
Listen to MAXIMUM HEALTH, “Quality Living” Radio
with Dr. Ken Grey AP, DOM Holistic Physician
88.9 fm WQCS – NPR every Friday @7 pm
National Public Radio

Red Tide with Quay Dortch of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Quay Dortch discusses “Red Tide” from the algal blooms which creates irritants in the air. She is the Coordinator for the Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB) Program in the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). ECOHAB funds research to understand the causes and impacts of HABs and their toxins, which is fundamental to successful management and mitigation.

Unstoppable Success with Kelly Roach

Dr. Ken discusses what it means to be successful with Coach and Author Kelly Roach.