Tag Archives: health

Breast Cancer Cures & Prevention

Breast Cancer Cures & Prevention with Susan G. Komen Executive Director Dayve Gabbard

Dr. Ken Holistic Physician talks Breast Health, Cancer Cures and Prevention from an Integrative medicine perspective. New Surgical measures, Treatment protocols, Food therapy, Fitness, Lifestyle, Environment, Acupuncture, Yoga, Tai Qi and more are discussed.

Listen to MAXIMUM HEALTH, “Quality Living” Radio
with Dr. Ken Grey AP, DOM Holistic Physician
88.9 fm WQCS – NPR every Friday @7 pm
National Public Radio


A Taste of the Future

From Legendary Everglades Photographer Clyde Butcher, Susan G. Komen on Breast Cancer & Growing Organelles with Harvard docs to Midwifery & PTSD. Hear some of what Maximum Health “Quality Living” Radio with Dr Ken Grey Holistic Physician has in store for you every friday at 7 pm on NPR 88.9 fm WQCS

The Knee Show, Surgery or Not to Surgery?!

The Knee Show Surgery or Not to Surgery?! With Evan Peck MD Cleveland Clinic Sports Medicine Orthopaedics Division, along side Physical Therapy Experts Lisa Fossett & Holly Whitford. Current medical research proves most knee surgeries to be unnessary and in most cases harmful. We decide to delve into the why, hows and when to consider knee surgery vs. non-invasive integrative approaches.