Tag Archives: Life

Sex Prescribed as Medicine for Better Health with TEDx Talk Sex Science Expert Dr. Nicole Prause

Sex prescribed as Medicine with TEDx talk Sex Science Expert Dr Nicole Prause Phd. a Neuroscientist researching human sexual behavior and the physiology of sexual response. The founder of Liberos LLC an independent research institute known for studies on sexual addiction, orgasm physiology, and biosignal processing.

The Norton Museum with Curator Tim Wride

Dr. Ken discusses Art with The Norton Museum’s Tim Wride
Listen to MAXIMUM HEALTH, “Quality Living” Radio
with Dr. Ken Grey AP, DOM Holistic Physician
88.9 fm WQCS – NPR every Friday @7 pm
National Public Radio

Flying Warrior – Author Jules Harper

Jules Harper, Author of Flying Warrior: My Life as a Naval Aviator During the Vietnam War joins Dr. Ken Today.
Listen to MAXIMUM HEALTH, “Quality Living” Radio
with Dr. Ken Grey AP, DOM Holistic Physician
88.9 fm WQCS – NPR every Friday @7 pm
National Public Radio

The Hantam Community Education Trust with Documentarian Katherine King

The Hantam Community Education Trust, Eradicating Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) starting with South Africa. Katherine King Documentarian joins us for an insightful discussion

“The Bed I Made” Author Robert Lynch on Healing from PTSD

“The Bed I Made” Author Mr. Robert Lynch on his Father the U.S. Marine Korean War Hero and Healing from PTSD like we’ve never heard it before. This show is a salute to our veterans, the price they pay, their self sacrifice, and the silent sacrifices their families make everyday.

Radio Music Mix

Maximum Health “Quality Living” Radio Music Mix Hosted by Dr Ken Grey Holistic Physician, Music and Commentary from Past Shows

Listen to MAXIMUM HEALTH, “Quality Living” Radio
with Dr. Ken Grey AP, DOM Holistic Physician
88.9 fm WQCS – NPR every Friday @7 pm
National Public Radio

Saving our Turtles turns into Saving our Oceans – Jack Lighton CEO of Loggerhead Marine Life Center

Jack Lighton CEO of Loggerhead Marine Life Center on how Saving our Turtles turns into Saving our Oceans.

The Volo Foundation: Data-Driven Global Warming and Sea-Level Rising Research

A look at Data-Driven Global Warming and Sea-Level Rising Research with The Volo Foundation Co-Founder Thais Lopez Vogel. Thais Lopez Vogel joins Maximum Health Radio to discuss and share current Data- Driven Research to dispel doubt and help guide us to Global Warming and Sea Level Rising Solutions.

Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis with Marilyn Murray Willison

Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis with Marilyn Murray Willison a six-time Award Winning Author, Former Health & Fitness Editor for the LA Times & International Journalist

The Cellular Powerhouse Show! Hack Your System with Mitochondrial Biogenesis

The Cellular Powerhouse Show! How to Hack your system with Mitochondrial Biogenesis for a longer health enhanced life. Technology, Diet, Lifestyle and Bimolecular understanding come together for a wonderfully energized show. Guests include Dr. Suresh Raja and Robert Marking – Wellness specialist.