Tag Archives: NFL

NFL Legend, Heisman Trophy Winner Ricky Williams talks Celestial Bodies, and teaches us Astrology 101.


NFL Legend, Heisman Trophy Winner Ricky Williams talks Celestial Bodies, and teaches us Astrology 101. We share thoughts on the growing Awareness of Mercury in Retrograde, Full Moon Madness, and how the Sun, Moon, and Stars may play a part in the unfolding of our lives and sense of wellbeing.

The Pursuit of Happiness with Ricky Williams NFL Football Immortal and CBD Wellness Mogul

The Pursuit of Happiness with Ricky Williams NFL Football Immortal and CBD Wellness Mogal.  What happens when Two-time All-American, Heisman Trophy Winner, and College Football Hall of Fame Inductee  decides he was meant for something greater?


Winning with Sam Cila Military Veteran, Leadership Development and Team Building Expert

Winning with Sam Cila Military Veteran, Leadership Development and Team Building Expert from The Program. Sam has survived several deployments and despite his amputated hand continues to push barriers and his own limits by competing and finishing in several Iron Man Triathlons and High Altitude Climbs. Sam Cila and The Program helps enhance spots teams and Fortune 500 companies all over the world including Fidelity Federal, UBS, New York Jets, Kind Bars etc.