Tag Archives: NPR

Captains for Clean Water on The Front Lines of the War to Save Planet Earth

Captains for Clean Water on The Front Lines of the War to Save Planet Earth.We have a conversation with Captain Chris Wittman, Co-Founder, that traces the escalation of Algae Blooms, the deterioration of Florida’s Waters,  Oyster beds, Fisheries, Grass Lands, and what is being done to restore our planetary ecosystem and a trillion dollar a decade Florida water industry.

Dog is My Copilot Founder, President, and Pilot, Dr. Peter Ernest Rork on Saving Mans Best Friend and Building Families one Flight at a Time

Dog is My Copilot Founder, President, and Pilot, Dr Peter Ernest Rork is a retired Orthopedic Surgeon that is Saving Mans Best Friend and Building Families one Flight at a Time. For over a decade Dr. Rork has answered a National calling to save thousands of dogs a year. Dog is my Copilot  transports  dogs that would be euthanized to shelters that would never euthanize and homes looking for a new friend.



A look at Self Love and Health with Mic McGann & Edwige Gilbert from Love Chat

A look at Self Love and Health with Mic McGann & Edwige Gilbert from Love Chat. Katie Mack and I have fun talking  with the creators of the Love Chat podcast on topics which range from setting life and relationship goals, to healthy self love patterns

The Psychology of the Covid-19 Health Crisis, A look at Mental Health and Media Use

The Psychology of the Covid-19 Health Crisis. A look at Mental Health and Media Use with Clinical Psychologist Dr Russell Bourne. In practice for over 40 years, Dr Russell Bourne former CIA psychologist, then family practice talks Covid-19 effects on public mental health and the use of Covid-19 by the media to affect the public.

Weaving Wellness into Your Life through the New Science of Integrative Medicine with Tapestry of Health Author Dr. Daniel Monti

Tapestry of Health co- Author Dr. Daniel Monti on Weaving Wellness into Your Life through the New Science of Integrative Medicine. Dr Daniel Monti is The Ellen and Ron Caplan Professor and Founding Chair,
Department of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences
Sidney Kimmel Medical College
CEO, Marcus Institute of Integrative Health
Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health


Covid-19 Specialist, Tampa General Emergency Room Medical Director Dr. Jason Wilson MD on The Front Lines- Just The Facts.

Covid-19 Specialist, Tampa General Emergency Room Medical Director Dr. Jason Wilson MD on The Front Lines- Just The Facts. How have things changed from March until July? What are the admission protocols? How much of this is about testing Positive? What dictates Fatality? How has Media affected Perception? Do Masks Help? What is the role of Hospitals during the Covid-19 focus? How do we move on ? Dr. Jason Wilson from Tampa General, Rated Best Hospital U.S. News answers these questions and more on this episode of Maximum Health Radio “Quality Living” with Dr Ken Grey AP DOM Holistic Physician