Tag Archives: tcm

COVID-19 Virus Prevention & Vaccination Creation with Generex Biotechnologies and H2Ocean Sea Salt Defense

COVID-19 Virus Prevention & Vaccination Creation with Generex Biotechnologies and H2Ocean Sea Salt Defense.  Generex has created faster vaccines using Li-Key peptide vaccine technology, and now has the elusive Pandemic COVID-19 Carona Virus in their cross hairs.  H2Ocean has developed patented technology using the healing power of the ocean and has a drug free, preservative free innovative health defense line that will help you create a virus free force field.  Learn more on this episode of Maximum Health Radio “Quality Living” with yours truly Dr. Ken Grey Holistic Physician

Hair Loss, and Restoration, Skin Health and Dermatology with Dr Ricardo Mejia

Hair Loss, and Restoration, Skin Health and Dermatology with Dr Ricardo Mejia from Jupiter Dermatology and Hair Restoration. New procedures,  treatments, solutions and prevention techniques along with Holistic approaches from Dr Ken Grey Holistic Physician.